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National University of Vanuatu Act

The Act n°34 of 2019 establishing the National University of Vanuatu has been unanimously adopted by the Parliament on the 17th December 2019 and officially published on the 24th January 2020.

The purpose of the University as stated in its article 3 is “to provide higher education advancement and lifelong learning through academic and professional excellence by way of training, teaching and learning, in both the English and French official languages, research and international cooperation”.

The new legislation is required to pave the way for combining PSET training institutions such as Vanuatu Institute of Teacher Education, Vanuatu Institute of Technology,
Vanuatu Agriculture College, Vanuatu Maritime College, Vanuatu Nursing College, and Vanuatu Police College.

Two faculties are established under the University:

a) The Faculty of Humanities
b) The Faculty of Science and Technology.

Each Faculty is led to group together five Schools, as mentioned in the law.

Institutional partnerships

The National University of Vanuatu works in collaboration with several international universities, which support the development of the institution by issuing internationally recognized diplomas.

Current partnerships:

- Toulouse 1 Capitole University (Bachelor in Economic and Social Administration / Master in Economic and Social Sciences)
- Victoria University of Wellington (Bachelor in Tourism and Hospitality)
- University of New Caledonia (Bachelor in Tourism and Hospitality / Master in Planning and Development of Oceanic Territories)
- Taylor’s University of Malaysia (Bachelor in Tourism and Hospitality)
- Toulouse 2 Jean-Jaurès University (Bachelor in tourism and hospitality)
- Moncton University - Canada (General memorandum of understanding)
- James Cook University (Bachelor of Environmental Sciences)

Upcoming partnerships:

Find below NUV's strategic plan 2021-2030 :